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At, we strive to provide original and informative coverage of the global blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, with the aim of helping the general public to understand and use these technologies successfully now and in the future.We believe that the most important thing in the blockchain revolution is the ability of people to understand and embrace the change. Our journalism standards will help you stay aware of the constantly-changing world around you and make sure you are accurate in your reporting.

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Vitalik Buterin listed the most exciting things about Ethereum.

On December 5, Buterin wrote a blog post outlining five features of the Ethereum network that he believes will help it grow even more....

The following are BTC price levels to watch as Bitcoin holds $17,000 into the market open.

The BTC price is strong, meaning that cautious Bitcoin traders can outline targets above $17,500.Bitcoin cooled volatility above $17,000 into the Dec. 5 Wall Street...

What is the best crypto use case? Community answers

One community member argued that the best use case for cryptocurrency is still the way crypto provides a peer-to-peer decentralized payment system that eliminates...